The Obsidian Blog

AIMA WEBINAR: IIROC endorses Electronic signatures - What this means for your retail business

Written by Obsidian | May 7, 2019



The subscription document is effectively the point of sale for alternative investment managers, and historically, a recognized pain point across the industry. With new regulation opening up the doors to new technology, most firms are actively investing in digitizing on-boarding in order not to be left behind.

During this webinar hosted by AIMA, the word will be about current regulations, how different players interact with a digital system, how compliance benefits, and where we see the future of digital on-boarding.



The Obsidian SmartDocs is a leading electronic subscription suite for investment managers. It is designed to create a client's “KYC passport.” i.e. all relevant information about a client that investment firms need to store in one place. This information is then used to pre-populate sub docs and KYC forms with e-signature sign-off, to make the process seamless and convenient for end users. Also, it ties in with a notification engine so that they can get email notifications on key dates.

SmartDocs helps investment managers work more efficiently, stay onside with regulators, and help their clients purchase strategies with ease.



Date: 08 May 2019

Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Event timezone: Toronto

Click here to register



  • Fraser McEwen, Partner, Slate Securities
  • Conner Sura, Director of Business Development, Lawrence Park Asset Management 
  •  Lazar Radenovic, Head of TechnologyObsidian